Cognetic by James Tynion IV & Eryk Donovan

Cognetic by James Tynion IV

“You were always selfish. You rallied us together to stop him all those years ago because you were afraid of losing one life you treasured more than the whole. You convinced us that life was all about those little glories. The little loves. And we believed you. And here, you’ve done it again.”

The end of the world, take two! Humanity meets its demise yet again as Mike and Alex turn their attention to part 2 of the the Apocalyptic Trilogy, Cognetic (issues #1-3). They discuss how they feel Tynion and Donovan leveled up their game from Memetic to Cognetic and how it feels like Cognetic is better able to accomplish the things they were trying to do in Memetic. While they might like the setup for Memetic more, there’s no denying that Cognetic is a better-constructed comic. So they guys get right into it, talking about how Tynion uses escalation in this story to keep the reader engaged and enthralled. They also take a look at the main character’s motivations and examine how, at the end, you the reader aren’t left with any real good choices. The individual versus the collective; once again, we ponder what it is that defines humanity. No pressure.

Just one apocalypse left (for now, at least), so go find Eugenic (issues #1-3) wherever you get your comics (probably a similar place to where you found Memetic and Cognetic) and join us next week as we wrap up our discussion of Tynion and Donovan’s Apocalyptic Trilogy!

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